Language Laboratory
Online ISSN : 2185-7806
Print ISSN : 0458-7332
ISSN-L : 0458-7332
志賀 正年
ジャーナル フリー

1962 年 2 巻 1 号 p. 27-38


Roughly, achievement tests may be classified into two: (I) an Individual Education Test and (II) a Mass Education Test. And at the basic stage of foreign language education, it is desirable to attach more importance to (I) an Individual one than to (II) a Mass one, while at its advanced stage higher importance should be placed on (II) a Mass one than on (I) an Individual one. As to the methods thereof, we can enumerate the kinds of answers as follows: (I) answers put down on paper after listening to a tape, (II) answers recorded in a tape after doing the same, (III) answers recorded in a tape after watching visual teaching material (pictures, slides and picture-story shows), and (IV) some other kinds, such as those by means of both paper and tapes or by combined use of audiovisual teaching material. In order to systematize the above-mentioned tests inductively, it is therefore necessary to work out a list of students' records that satisfies the following "basic" conditions and their respective "concrete" elements.

© 1962 外国語教育メディア学会(LET)
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