Online ISSN : 1347-5320
Print ISSN : 1345-9678
ISSN-L : 1345-9678
Three-Dimensional Glass Furnace Model of Combustion Space and Glass Tank with Electric Boosting
Luyao LiHuey-Jiuan LinJianjun HanJian RuanJun XieXiujian Zhao
ジャーナル フリー HTML

2019 年 60 巻 6 号 p. 1034-1043


The integrated glass furnace model of combustion space and glass tank is established to study the 600 t/d float glass furnaces with and without electric boosting system. In the electric boosting furnace, the electrodes are vertically installed near hot spot, and the electric power is applied to replace part of fuel supply. The temperature and velocity fields as well as glass trajectories are presented to investigate the influence of electric boosting on the glass furnace. The residence time, melting factor and mixing factor are employed to evaluate the glass quality and melting efficiency. With the electric boosting system, the crown and flame temperature at flame covering zone are lower than the temperature in furnace without electric boosting, which would prolong the lifetime of glass furnace. However, the increased temperature at batch melting zone and fining zone are induced with the increased bottom temperature. Moreover, the glass flow at glass tank is promoted with electric boosting, especially around spring zone. The average melting efficiency and glass melting quality are improved with the electric boosting system, while the melting quality of fastest particles in electric boosting case would be poorer. Additionally, the homogenization of glass melt is improved with electric boosting. With the optimum design of electric boosting system, the better glass melting quality, more homogenization, and higher melting efficiency would be achieved.

Fig. 8 Temperature contour and velocity field (a) Temperature contour and streamlines at symmetry plane, (b) Velocity component Vx at symmetry plane, (c) Glass bottom temperature at centerline of melting tank. Fullsize Image
© 2019 The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials
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