Online ISSN : 2433-2909
Print ISSN : 1348-1622
『うつほ物語』の〈琴〉・〈学問〉・手本 : 全てを担う仲忠とそれを継承する者たち(自由論文)
武藤 那賀子
ジャーナル フリー

2013 年 13 巻 p. 66-80


This paper focuses on things transmitted in Utsuho monogatari, how their lineages are formed, and how they disappear. Though earlier literature on this subject only pointed out the Toshikage clan as successors of lineages, this paper found that there are some lineages originating with the Kiyohara clan which were transmitted through individuals outside of the Kiyohara. In this paper, the kin (seven-stringed zither), learning, and calligraphic copy are examined, focusing on Nakatada, the controller of these three lineages. And by considering the succession of these lineages, it is also found that not only the death of the daughter of Toshikage, but also the extinction of the lineage maintained by the Kiyohara clan would explain why the secret kin performance at the tower cannot represent a happy ending.

© 2013 物語研究会
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