2023 Volume 64 Issue 6 Pages 156-165
Edible basidiomycetes are highly active in the oxidative decomposition and polymerisation of polyphenols, and soybeans contain large amounts of isoflavones, which are polyphenol glycosides. Isoflavone aglycones exhibit weak estrogenic activities. In this study, we investigated the isoflavone content, polyphenol production, antioxidant activity and ergothioneine (EGT) content of soybeans fermented by Pleurotus cornucopiae and Pleurotus ostreatus. Isoflavone glycosides, which were abundant in unfermented soybeans, decreased, and aglycones increased on day 10 of culture in both edible basidiomycete-fermented soybeans. The total maximum polyphenol content in soybeans fermented by both mushrooms were approximately 4 times higher on day 30 to 40 of culture, than that of unfermented soybeans. P. cornucopiae-fermented soybeans showed maximum antioxidant activity on day 20 of culture, and this was approximately 6.1 times higher than that of unfermented soybeans. EGT was not detected in unfermented soybeans, whereas both fermented soybeans showed a maximum EGT content on day 20 of culture, which was especially high in P. cornucopiae-fermented soybeans. The antioxidant activity and EGT of P. cornucopiae-fermented soybeans were higher than those of P. ostreatus, suggesting that EGT was responsible for the increase in the antioxidant activity of P. cornucopiae-fermented soybeans.