Online ISSN : 1884-3921
Print ISSN : 0549-4192
ISSN-L : 0549-4192
第三世界の政治学 II
武者小路 公秀
ジャーナル フリー

1976 年 27 巻 p. 159-181,en7


In this article the author discusses the possibilities of a Third World approach to political science. It is argued that theories of international politics in the West, based on the study of the Western State-system, are inappropriate to answer the questions asked by Third World countries. The Third World is now in search of new paradigms capable of approaching the major themes of the Third World problematique: dependence, countervailing power, the building of an equitable world order, national identity, self-reliance, and cooperation among Third World countries. The first three themes must be studied by a new science of international relations, making full use of research developed in the West, but developing new paradigms in the analysis of the international structure, the treatment of power, and values orientation emphasising equity in a pluralistic world community. The latter three call for the creation of a new approach to political development defined as a national and collectively self-reliant development.
Such a political science should develop a competitive and complementary relationship with the political science of the industrialized countries.

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