Online ISSN : 1884-7072
Print ISSN : 0559-8362
ISSN-L : 0559-8362
山村 順次
ジャーナル フリー

1986 年 34 巻 3 号 p. 12-22


The Republic of Korea achieved high economic growth in the latter of 1970's and entered upon a mass tourism stage in the 1980's. The ratio that the people participated in a sightseeing trips was just 19% in a day trip as well as in a lodging trip in 1976. However, the ratio shows the former for 54%, the latter for 65% in 1984, a remarkable increase was observed. The author aimed to make clear the process of tourism development, the actual condition of tourist, tourist industry, and the changes of life for regional residents in Bugok hot spring resort.
Bugok hot spring resort is located in the southeastern part of Korea and it runs about 50Km from Taegu or Pusan. A developer named Mr. Sin was from Seoul succeeded in gushing out the powerful sulfur hot spring of 72°C in the paddy field between a mountain area in January 1973. After that he constructed a public bath and an inn. Furthermore a Korean who lives in Japan opened a tourist hotel and invited capitalists from every place of Korea, thus tourist inns, restaurants and other shops were opened in that same place. Bugok Hawaii which has a large leisure center, was opened in 1982, has the increasing number of tourist which shows 510, 0000 guests in 1979 to 2, 570, 000 in 1984, becaue a highway between Taegu and Masan was opened in 1977 and direct bus revolved from Seoul. Changnynung County Office made a city plan at once and a land adjustment was completed in 1978. The size of minimum land division was about 600 tsubo, thus a tourist investment was stagnated. After it was changed to about 200 tsubo in 1983, inns and stores increased rapidly. Total investment for the development of Bugok hot spring is 3, 100 million won in public working, 60, 600 million won in private enterprise till 1984, and 23, 800 million won are planned from now on.
The day tripper occupies about 60-70% on account of the opening of Bugok Hawaii. On the other hand, many lodging facilities gathered a lot of tourist. A tourist like merchants, company employees and farmers visit Bugok in winter season generally for recuperation, recreation, dutifulness to parents and meeting etc.. They hire tourist buses and sometimes reguler highway buses.
On the other hand, farmers sell their paddy fields nearby farm village adjacent the tourist development, and sometimes manages inn and could help people make extra money. Aside from this many farmers offer their vacant rooms to employees of tourist industry. Besides this tourist industry, agriculture flourished thus making the people life easy.
A hot spring was dug freely in Bugok and there are the sources of 95 in 1985. 65 of them were developed since 1980. The water level and the volume of hot spring had decreased just recetly. However protection and proper application of hot spring had been labored. For this reason the environment protection of hot spring tourist resort had been enhanced. The problem is to maintain the hot spring, pavement, green park and harmonious landscape in Bugok, and an action must be taken immediately.

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