Online ISSN : 1349-4333
Print ISSN : 0037-1033
ISSN-L : 0037-1033
尾島 浩伊地知 正光伊藤 謙三田中 宏明三島 真一吉田 勝之佐伯 千恵子黒川 高秀
ジャーナル フリー

1986 年 35 巻 2 号 p. 678-683


Myositis ossificans progressive is a rare children's desease, characterized by slowly progressive and multiple ectopic ossification of connective tissues. The cause is unknown and there is no recognized treatment.
Recently we have treated a case of myositis ossificans progressiva. A 33-year-old male visited our hospital complaining of difficulty in walking and right side coxalgia. Ectopic ossifications developed from the age of about 14 years, and restriction of motion of spine and joints progressed year by year.
There were malformations of great toes which had been noted at birth. The spine was ankylosing and ROM of joints of extremities was severely restricted. Plasma alkaline phosphatase was higher, but plasma calcium and phosphorus were normal. X-rays and bone scintigrams showed multiple ectopic ossifications.
We treated this case by 20mg/kg/day of etidronate disodium (ethane-1-hydroxy-1. 1-diphosphonate, “EHDP”) for 3 months along with physical therapy. These treatments gave him a remission of right side coxalgia and widened the range of motion in some joints.
We concluded that diphosphonate therapy was effective to some extent in this case.

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