Online ISSN : 1349-4333
Print ISSN : 0037-1033
ISSN-L : 0037-1033
寺本 憲市郎中島 英親平野 哲也武田 浩志木村 展生米満 弘之
ジャーナル フリー

1996 年 45 巻 2 号 p. 581-584


Procedures for lengthening the upper extremities, especially the fingers and forearms, have recently been reported. Various instruments have been used for performing these procedures. Some investigators reported a case in which correction of deformation was carried out simultaneously with bone lengthening. We have performed radius lengthening in 5 patients, using an Orthofix external fixation device. Of the 5 patients, 4 were male and 1 female. Their ages were 10, 3, 14, 14 and 17 years respectively (mean; 14 years). In all these cases, radial lengthening was needed because of shortening of the radius due to disturbed growth following a forearm fracture. After assessing radial dislocation of the carpal bones, pain caused by movement of the ulna and presence or absence of pain during the movement of the wrist joint, we obtained informed consent from each patient and his/her guardian after careful discussion, and we usually carried out this surgical procedure during the summer holidays. The hospital stay was 7-21 days. After discharge, the patients were managed at our outpatient clinic. Advice was given to their family members on how to help the children with the program for lengthening the bones. Their postoperative course was assessed every week on X-rays. As a rule, bone lengthening started one week after the osteotomy. The average length extension was 21.2mm.

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