Online ISSN : 1349-4333
Print ISSN : 0037-1033
ISSN-L : 0037-1033
有水 淳内藤 正俊緒方 公介安永 雅克張 敬範西野 一郎浅川 康司
ジャーナル フリー

1996 年 45 巻 2 号 p. 623-625


Exertional compartment syndrome is one cause of pain in the lower extremity, a common disability in athletes. The purpose of this study was to report on the technique of measuring the intracompartmental pressure and the results of subcutaneous fasciotomy as a treatment of exertional compartment syndrome. Subjects comprised seven adolescent athletes, five men and two women. The affected compartment was the anterior compartment of the leg in each athlete. Dynamic pressure measurement of the anterior compartment was performed in all athletes using a wick catheter or micro-tip transducer catheter. The pressure increased more than 30 millimeters of mercury in all cases during running and active dorsiflexion of their ankle. All patients underwent subcutaneous fasciotomy. The micro-tip transducer catheter was found to be more sensitive than the Wick catheter in measuring intracompartmental pressure. After surgery, symptoms were relieved in all patients and there were no recurrences in any athletes.

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