Online ISSN : 1349-4333
Print ISSN : 0037-1033
ISSN-L : 0037-1033
膝複合靭帯新鮮損傷 (前および後十字靭帯を含む) の治療について
案浦 聖凡王寺 享弘小林 晶徳永 純一吉本 隆昌進藤 隆康久我 尚之松田 和浩竹本 均宏洲 士郎宮本 敬士松本 博文
ジャーナル フリー

1997 年 46 巻 2 号 p. 520-525


From 1972 to 1996, 18 patients were treated surgically for acute complex ligamentous injuries (including ACL+PCL injury) of the knee.
We investigated the clinical symptoms according to the JOA score and evaluation of the IKDC.
In the ACL reconstruction group, principally the primary PCL repair group (8 patients, RS group) and the reconstruction PCL group (4 paients, RR group) were in vestigated.
According to the JOA score there were no significant differences between the RS group and the RR group. According to the IKDC classification the RS group had three C, five D and the RR group had two C, two D.
In both groups, the anterior instability was sufficiently restrained, but the posterior instability remained.
In conclusion if possible, an acute PCL tear should be treated by primary repair. But when posterior instability is greater than 15mm, it is recommended that PCL tears be treated by reconstruction.

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