Online ISSN : 1883-6844
Print ISSN : 0002-1407
ISSN-L : 0002-1407
Aspergillus oryzae及びAsp. sojaeの分生胞子柄表面の性質に就て
坂口 謹一郎飯塚 廣
ジャーナル フリー

1953 年 27 巻 7 号 p. 402-405


As for the conidiophore-walls of Asp. flavus-oryzae, THOM and CHURCH(1) (1921) pointed out that “stalk walls when examined with low magnification are often recorded as delicatley rough, and conidia as delicatley rough or spiny. Careful examination with high powers shows these appearances to be due to pits”
On of the present authors(2) (1933), on his taxonomic studies upon Asp. oryzae strains, has found that conidiophore-walls of some members of these yellow green Aspergilli, espe-cially those used in Soy sauce or Tamari Soy sauce making, are seen to be quite smooth with ordinary or low magnification. SAKAGUCIHI and YAMADA(3) (1944) have proposed a new classification dividing these strains into two main groups ; i. e. (I) Asp. oryzae s. str. SAKAGUCHI and YAMADA, or synonimous with Asp. flavus-oryzae THOM and CHURCH, and (II) Asp. sojae nov. sp. S. & Y.
As for the conidial walls of the both species, SAKAGUCHI ei al. (4) (1949) pointed out that “the both species gave equally echinulate appearance of the same nature on their conidial walls, except that those of Asp. sojae have somewhat higher echinulation than the other in the extent of 0.21μ or higher which is within the limit of the resolution power of optical microscope”
The present authors succeeded to show the electron micrographs of conidiophore-walls of the both species. As shown in the figures, the surface of conidiophore-walls of the new species, Asp. sojae, is apparently smooth, while that of Asp. oryzas is provided with numerous projections, ranging from 0.24 to 0.08 microns in height.

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