Online ISSN : 1883-6844
Print ISSN : 0002-1407
ISSN-L : 0002-1407
竹生 新治郎堀内 久彌古谷 雅樹新関 滋也
ジャーナル フリー

1956 年 30 巻 1 号 p. 7-11


(1) Studies have been made about the distribution of thiamine in the seed of kidney bean at different stages of germination (kept at 25°, in the dark, for 14 days) by the photographic method of thiochrome fluorescence, and in each stage the moisture content, fresh-weight of one plant and the thiamine content (both total and free) were measured.
(2) In regard to the thiamine contents in each fraction of the germinated seed, it was found to decrease after 2 days' germination in the cotyledon, but to increased rather rapidly in embryo. The whole thiamine contents of one seed decrerased after 2 days' germination. This is supposed to be the reason, why synthesis of thiamine did not occur during the dark germination, only consumption proceeding,
(3) In regard to the distribution of thiamine fluorescence, there was nothing notable concerning this matter as no marked change was observed in each fraction of seed through 14 days' germination, but when the lateral root developed, strong fluorescence concentrated in the primordium and the procanbium of the transitional region. This strong fluorescence was recognized in the fraction which developed vigorously.

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