Online ISSN : 2424-1512
P30 超音波マイクロバブル内で起こる窒素酸化反応の解析
*浅田 翔太興津 健二
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 79-80


When water under air atmosphere is irradiated with high intensity ultrasound, cavitation is generated. When the bubbles are adiabatically collapsed, the inside of the bubbles becomes high temperature and high pressure, where nitrogen is oxidized to form nitrite and nitrate ions. In this study, analyses of nitrite and nitrate ions were performed to discuss the chemical effects of such high temperature and high pressure condition during collapsing bubbles. In addition, the results were compared with the yield of hydrogen peroxide formed in the sonolysis of water. We investigated the effects of types of dissolved gases such as mixtures of air and argon, and mixtures of air and carbon dioxide on the formation of nitrite ions, nitrate ions and hydrogen peroxide by ultrasound cavitation. It was confirmed that the amount of nitrite and nitrate ions formed increased in the presence of argon, but decreased in the presence of carbon dioxide. It was clear that dissolved gas of argon and carbon dioxide in water affected the condition of collapsing bubbles.

© 2017 日本ソノケミストリー学会
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