Online ISSN : 2424-1512
P31 KI 水溶液の超音波酸化速度の飛躍的向上
*小野 佑樹田中 寿原田 久志
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 81-82


In previous paper, we demonstrated the rate of sono-oxidation increased with the introduction of a small amount of CO2. In this presentation, we report influences of concentration of KI and sonication time on the rate of sono-oxidation in a CO2-Ar atmosphere. Sonication was performed using an ultrasonic irradiator (shinka, 200 kHz, 100 W) for 25 ℃. The rate of sono-oxidation was evaluated by potassium iodide (0.01 M KI) dosimetry using UV-Vis spectrophotometer (JASCO V-650, measuring wavelength is 355 nm). The rate difference between with and without CO2 in an Ar atmosphere indicates Improvement index, which means the ratio of absorbance in a CO2-Ar atmosphere to that in Ar atmosphere. The Improvement index increased with decreasing KI concentration. Maximum Improvement index was recorded about 9 times at 0.01 M after 30 min sonication. Influence of sonication time on Improvement index, on the other hand, we got about 40 times at 0.01 M after 1.5 hours sonication.

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