Online ISSN : 2424-1512
S02 超音波照射による金属クラスターおよびナノ粒子の創製と触媒作用
*蔵脇 淳一
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 87-88


We have so far developed novel and facile synthesis methods of noble metal nanoparticles and metal clusters such as gold and silver. By using ultrasonic irradiation technique, we could synthesize gold and silver clusters with benzenethiol derivatives and characterize photochemical properties of as-prepared clusters. Moreover, we have synthesized stable AuNPs by a simple ultrasonic irradiation in water/alcohol binary solutions without additive stabilizer agents. Methanol, ethanol, and 1-propanol are used as solvents. The average particle diameter of as-prepared AuNPs was 36±10 nm for water/methanol system (methanol: 25 vol%), 56±17 nm for water/ethanol system (ethanol:35 vol%), and 24±7 nm for water/1-propanol system (1-propanol: 35 vol%). The present results indicate that the hydrophobicity of 1-propanol is higher, because the side chain of 1-propanol is longer than those in the other alcohols. Thus, it can be concluded that the dispersion of AuNPs is enhanced and their aggregation and growth are suppressed.

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