Online ISSN : 2434-429X
Print ISSN : 2432-6100
ISSN-L : 2432-6100
東京2020大会を支えたボランティアに関する 研究 その2
二宮 雅也
ジャーナル オープンアクセス

2023 年 19 巻 p. 29-79


The objective of this study is to analyse the impact of the Tokyo 2020 Games on Games and City volunteers one year after the Tokyo 2020 Games, such as their motivation, how they felt after volunteering, and their current volunteer activities. In particular, the characteristics of the two types of volunteers, Games volunteers and City volunteers, are analyzed. The study used the “Tokyo 2020 Games ʻVolunteersʼ One Year After Survey” conducted by the Nippon Foundation Volunteer Center as its data base.

The survey items include basic attributes (gender, age, place of residence, occupation, current volunteer activities, frequency of activities, how the volunteering is done, past volunteer activities) and for other items, motivation for participation, what was gained and felt from the activities, changes in attitudes and behaviour after the Games, and current activities. These items are analysed by type of volunteer (Games volunteers and City volunteers), type of event (Olympic Games and Paralympic Games), gender and age.

The results from both Games on motivation for participation and what was gained from the activities, showed that volunteering for the Paralympics enables Games volunteers and City volunteers to achieve their objectives of learning how to support people with disabilities and acquiring communication skills. The results also showed that women have a strong motivation that is specifically related to the COVID-19 pandemic and a strong sense of personal growth, in responses such as “I wanted to support the athletes who are working hard during the COVID-19 pandemic” and “I wanted to broaden my perspective”. Survey results also indicated that younger people had a strong motivation for participating in experiences that would lead to a career.

Regarding changes in attitudes and behaviour after the Games, regardless of volunteer type, the most common responses among volunteers in both the Olympic and Paralympic Games were “I am participating in activities with fellow Tokyo 2020 Games volunteers” and “I feel closer to Para sports.” The results also showed what changes through the Paralympics and what is gained through long-term activities. By gender, women showed a higher increase in interest in sports (disciplines) that they did not know previously and in Para sports than men.

In terms of current volunteer activities, the City volunteers are more active than the Games volunteers. By gender, men, and by age, older people, are more active.

The content of the activities of Games volunteers and City volunteers are substantively different, but there was no significant difference in motivation for participation and in what they gained from the Games. However, experience volunteering for the Paralympic Games had an impact on motivation for participation and what was gained from the experience, as well as changes in attitudes and behaviour after the Games.

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