Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology
Online ISSN : 1349-6336
Print ISSN : 0914-9244
ISSN-L : 0914-9244
High-Modulus Positive-type Photosensitive Poly(amide-benzoxazole)s
Masatoshi HasegawaAkihito Ui
Author information

2008 Volume 21 Issue 1 Pages 151-154


A new type of high modulus poly(amide benzoxazole)s (PABO) was derived from trans-1,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid (CHDCA), bis(3-hydroxy-4-amino) biphenyl (p-HAB), bis(4-hydroxy-3-amino)biphenyl (m-HAB), and 2,2'-bis(trifluoromethyl) benzidine (TFMB). A stiff structure of cycloaliphatic CHDCA and fluorine-containing rod-like TFMB play a great role for the generation of high modulus in the PABO films with a significantly improved transparency at 365 nm for the PABO precursor film. A PABO possessing a copolymer composition of m-HAB60, TFMB40, and CHDCA100 achieved a high modulus of 4.9 GPa, a low coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of 19.8 ppm/K, a high Tg at 294°C, sufficient film toughness (elongation at break = 12.5 %), and high transparency at 365 nm (light transmittance = 73 %) for a 10 ?m thick PABO precursor film. The molecular weight control allowed the formation of fine positive-tone patterns by development using a 2.38 wt% TMAH aqueous solution at room temperature.

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© 2008 The Society of Photopolymer Science and Technology (SPST)
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