Online ISSN : 2436-8032
Print ISSN : 1340-4393
木村 澄夫
ジャーナル フリー

2003 年 10 巻 1 号 p. 27-44


In our country the view of 'sin—sin—ichinyo' or 'mind-body just like as one' has been prevailing as the theory of body-mind relation in sciences of physical education. However it could not be denied that such traditional view contains clearly some logical mistakes and has substantially undermined the academic base for physical education. This paper aims to prepare for a new theory of body-mind relation. For this purpose this paper has put great emphasis on illuminating two important points: how gymnastike is bestowed its identity and necessity in a teleological sense as techne of the care for the human body, at the same time, how it is inevitably orientated toward the human soul. In order to make this consideration effective, the concept of the relation between the human body and the soul was tentatively introduced as a conceptual framework. So the effectiveness of this tentative framework was also verified.

In Gorgias Socrates reveals the natures of real techne in contrast with kolakeia (flattering) by means of elenchus proof. It is one of the fundamental principles of Plato's philosophy that the soul as a master should supervise the human body as a servant. Based on both this fundamental difference between the body and the soul, and the principle that each techne must have a clearly identified subject-mater of its own, gymnastike is defined as techne of the care for the human body.

Through grasping dynamically the conflicts between techne and kolakeia, identity and necessity of gymnastike has been made clear. Although Plato gives mere conditional necessity of means to gymnastike, its position and significance in the system of Plato's philosophy have enough steadiness and profundity to be able to reject lopsidedly labeling him the symbol of betrayal of the body.

© 2003 身体運動文化学会
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