Preventive Medicine Research
Online ISSN : 2758-7916
Protocol Paper
Strategies for promoting health in society utilizing quality-of-life check-ups: a protocol paper
Shigeyuki Nakaji Koichi MurashitaTatsuya MikamiYoshinori TamadaNozomi Uemura
ジャーナル オープンアクセス HTML

2024 年 1 巻 4 号 p. 43-54


Aomori Prefecture has the shortest lifespan among all the prefectures in Japan. As life expectancy is an important indicator of the comprehensive strength of a society, creating a social innovation that can carry a society as a whole is essential. To create social innovation, industries, government, academia, and citizens need to gather on a platform and collaborate (open innovation) by overcoming mutual barriers. Thus, the platform must be attractive to all of them. The formation of linkages between people and organizations on the platform enables the implementation of a health promotion methodology relevant to all parts of society. The authors believe that big data (including real-world data) obtained from the Iwaki Health Promotion Project can be a key element in making the platform attractive. Simultaneously, a social capital platform for social implementation is required. Furthermore, the authors are developing and disseminating the Quality-Of-Life Check-ups as a core tool for social implementation. In this paper, the authors outline the activities to overcome the shortest-lived prefectures in Japan by utilizing the data platform and social capital platform and introduce the quality of health check-ups as the central activity of social implementation.

© 2024 Japanese Society of Preventive Medicine

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