Online ISSN : 1884-8419
ISSN-L : 1347-510X
盛岡 通藤田 壮吉田 登
ジャーナル フリー

2002 年 10 巻 p. 103-111


Decades of growing urbanization in the 20th century, which have enabled massive industrial accumulation as well as continual intra and inter migration of population from rural areas to urban and peripheral areas, brought various tangible and intangible environmental costs not only for the cities themselves but the surrounding regions as well as the nation and the global environments. While several plans and concepts have been proposed such as growth management, sustainable planning, compact city, or industrial symbiosis, those concepts need to be defined from implementational planning and policy perspectives in order to identify the appropriate urban management strategies for a long run. In this paper, authors attempt to establish the planning and estimation systems which provide planning alternatives to cover wide range of urban management tools such as spatial management, energy supply management, transportation management, and material resource management, as well as provide objective estimation indicators for urban utility and environmental impacts. After various evaluation techniques are organized, implementational evalation are shown for environmental efficiency and ecological impact indicators. Alternative planning options for a long-run urban management are discussed with hierarchical planning stages.

© 社団法人 土木学会
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