セッションID: 1P163
S90 Heart & circulation
南山 求山本 明美
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Leukocyte adhesion and rolling on endotherial surface of venules were frequently obseved under an intravital microscope. Adhesive molecules of endothelium, platelet and leukocyte relate to these behavior. However hemodynamical facter as shear stress to leukocyte on endtherium also relate to these behavior. Because there was a little imformation of hemodynamical facters of leukocyte behavior, we studied relationship between these behavior and blood flow velocity in venules during acute hemodynamical changes in the microcirculation. Anethetized Wistar rats were used under spontaneous respilation. The mesentery was draped on a observastion window on the stage of a inverted microscope equiped with a video camera and an optic fiber system for measuring blood flow velosity in a microvessel. The obtained image were recorded by a video-cassette recorder and analyzed by using a computer-assisted image analysis system. The inner diameter and leukocyte number were measured on the digitalized video images using the public domain NIH image program. Blood flow velocity was measeurd using a dual-slit photomeric method with cross-correlatin function by a computer-assist. When blood flow velocity in venules decreased from physiologica condition, leukocyte number incresead, but rolling velocity of luekocye did not changed. When blood flow velocity in venules increased, leukocyte number decreased and rolling velocity of leukocyte incresead. This increasing of rolling velocity was steplike form at high shear rate condition in venule. [Jpn J Physiol 54 Suppl:S105 (2004)]

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