Online ISSN : 1882-0824
Print ISSN : 0485-1439
ISSN-L : 0485-1439
No. 1染色体ヘテロクロマチン部位の腕間逆位を認めた慢性骨髄性白血病の1例
大屋敷 一馬大隅 彰伊藤 久雄梅原 千治大屋敷 純子山崎 徹湯野川 孝一長村 重之押村 光雄
ジャーナル 認証あり

1982 年 23 巻 2 号 p. 199-205


The patient is a 59-year-old female who was operated for right side pontocerebellar angle tumor on May 22, 1977. The pathological diagnosis of the tumor was acoustic neurinoma. Blood examination revealed leukocytosis in April 1979, and the patient was diagnosed as having chronic myelogenous leukemia by bone marrow films and a chromosome analysis. The patient was admitted to Kasumigaura Hospital, Tokyo Medical College because of fatigability on January 12, 1981, and was diagnosed as having primary aldosteronism together with chronic myelogenous leukemia by endocrinological and hematological examinations. Cytogenetic analyses of cells from the bone marrow showed a Ph1 translocation, i. e., a translocation between chromosomes No. 9 and No. 22 and a pericentric inversion of the heterochromatic region of chromosome No. 1. The chromosome analysis of PHA-stimulated lymphocytes revealed the pericentric inversion of the chromosome No. 1 to be a constitutional chromosome abnormality.
Heteromorphism of chromosome No. 1 and its possible association with malignancy is discussed.

© 1982 日本臨床血液学会
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