Online ISSN : 1882-0824
Print ISSN : 0485-1439
ISSN-L : 0485-1439
厚井 文一大本 英次郎小田 康広藤本 修逸遠藤 裕内田 耕三郎高岡 和子原 雅道渡辺 清一郎頼 敏裕高橋 功喜多嶋 康一木村 郁郎真田 浩依光 聖一
ジャーナル 認証あり

1983 年 24 巻 1 号 p. 1-8


Superoxide of neutrophils is one of the acitive oxygens related to intracellular bactericidal activities. In this study, superoxide production of neutrophils in both normal subjects and patients with acute leukemia was examined in order to evaluate the cause of the high susecptibility to infection. The results were as follows.
1. Superoxide production of neutrophils was significantly lower in the older subjects (70-89 y.o.) than in the younger ones (20-69 y.o.). No significant difference was shown between males and females.
2. Before antileukemic chemotherapy superoxide production was 4.09±1.43 nmol/min/106 PMNs in patients with acute leukemia (normal subjects; 6.45±1.33 nmol/min/106 PMNs). During induction chemotherapy it decreased to a level of 3.56±1.18 nmol/min/106 PMNs and it increased up to normal or slightly higer levels in a complete remission. The changes in superoxide production did not relate to the types of acute leukemia.
3. An inverse correlation between superoxide production of neutrophils and the total number of leukemic cells in the bone marrow was recognized.
The results may suggest that the decrease in superoxide production of neutrophils contribute one of the causes of high susceptibility to infection in the elderly men and patints with acute leukemia.

© 1983 日本臨床血液学会