Online ISSN : 1882-0824
Print ISSN : 0485-1439
ISSN-L : 0485-1439
星野 茂斎藤 博和田 真紀夫阿久津 美百生塩崎 宏子高梨 美乃子武井 弥生田中 茂治寺村 正尚高田 加寿子渕之上 真澄赤星 雅直原 徹増田 道彦山田 修片平 潤一高橋 正知戸塚 恭一泉二 登志子押味 和夫溝口 秀昭
ジャーナル 認証あり

1987 年 28 巻 3 号 p. 358-365


Twenty-eight patients with multiple myeloma were classified as “good” or “poor” risk following the criteria of the Southeastern Cancer Study Group. Eleven patients classified as good risk were treated with MP regimen (melphalan and prednisolone) or QUP regimen (carboquone, ACNU and prednisolone). Seventeen poor risk patients were treated with MP regimen or QUVMP regimen (carboquone, ACNU, vincristine, melphalan and prednisolone). In good risk patients, response rate and survival were slightly better in patients given QUP than in those given MP, and responders had a significantly longer survival than nonresponders. In poor risk patients, induction response rate and survival were similar with both regimens, and no survival difference was observed between responders and nonresponders. Although poor risk patients had a better response rate than good risk patients, the former did not have a longer survival than the latter probably because of the difference in risk factors. The most important factor that affected the survival of the patients was azotemia.

© 1987 日本臨床血液学会
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