Online ISSN : 2436-6714
伊藤 嘉奈子天野 邦彦冨田 陽子原野 崇岸田 弘之宮尾 博一吉野 英夫並木 和弘
ジャーナル フリー

2011 年 17 巻 p. 389-394


In this study, the problems of the river environment studies and realities concerning to river education programs were identified on the basis of the results of interviews with teachers at elementary school, and the directionality to solves the problems of the river environment studies and the points of concern for making river education programs are clarified.

As a result, problems of the river environment studies divided into the problems of river education programs and problems of methods for putting river environment studies into execution. Means to apply to the first problems are making river education programs of achieving the goal of the school education curriculum and the second problems are providing information on supporting teachers’ efforts to put river environment studies into execution. Finally, this study was specify the points of concern for making river education programs and the program’s sheet.

© 2011 土木学会
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