Online ISSN : 2436-6714
帆足 建八松本 邦男工藤 真之助島谷 幸宏
ジャーナル フリー

2011 年 17 巻 p. 497-502


Many of the bank protection works in Japan have been implemented by making use of concrete river revetments, due to which the beautiful landscapes and the important ecological functions of the rivers are seriously damaged. Lots of people, specialists and non-specialists alike, strongly require the restoration of the ecological functions of the rivers. To answer those requests, we have managed to create a new method of planting salix gracilistyla on the concrete river revetments. By closely examining the observation data based on the track record for the past three years, we have assessed how the beautiful landscapes and ecological habitats both in the water and on land have been restored. Furthermore, the functions of the natural green as safety measures against drowning, namely, by preventing sliding and offering a pull, are discussed as well.

© 2011 土木学会
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