Online ISSN : 2436-6714
山西 博幸山下 周平中村 祐介成清 嘉隆佐藤 博志高木 耕太郎川崎 裕之
ジャーナル フリー

2013 年 19 巻 p. 399-404


The Ushizu river is a well mixed type and the upper tidal distance is approximately 12km from the river mouth. Mud sedimentation and the spread of Phragmites australis in the river bank form original scenery. However, they cause a river cross-section closure and the capacity degradation of river flowing.

This study is to clarify the characteristic growth of P. australis in the long term, the relation of habitat of P. australis and sedimentation, the trap of suspended matters and the effect of the shield plate that has an inhibiting effect on growth. As a result, the relationship between the waterside progress of P. australis and mud sedimentation is shown. Also, sedimentation is caused near the group edge of P. australis. In addition, the density of P. australis increased by cutting of it. This means that the cutting may cause more spread of P. australis. Finally, a new vegetation system to control the spreading of P. australis was suggested.

© 2013 土木学会
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