Online ISSN : 2436-6714
田中 規夫古里 栄一木村 國男
ジャーナル フリー

2013 年 19 巻 p. 483-488


For clarifying the effects of sand supply on the down stream riffle of Futase-Dam, field survey data on bed material and invertebrate composition from autumn to early spring were analyzed. Particle size distribution was shifted to small size after the sand supply. During winter season, from autumn to early spring, changes in invertebrate community showed different temporal pattern before and after the sand supply. These tendencies occurred after sand supply are no increase in the abundance of net-spinning caddis-worms (Torichoptera), increase in autumn EPT% and increase in MN (movability number) during winter. This study has proposed to use diversity-movability loop based on Tsuda hypothesis. Before sand supply, community succession to climax under armored bed which is extremely stable habitat can be estimated in the loop. Moreover, the effects of sand supply on invertebrate community can be recognized as retrogressive succession in the loop caused by unstable stream bed.

© 2013 土木学会
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