Online ISSN : 2436-6714
沼田 麻未福岡 捷二持田 智彦中井 隆亮
ジャーナル フリー

2014 年 20 巻 p. 431-436


The Kandagawa river flows through densely urbanized areas. Large-scale sewerage systems and many facilities for flood-control have been constructed in the Kanda river basin. But , it has not been clarified how much both facilities are cooperative for reductions of flood inundations

We conducted two-dimensional analyses of flood flows using time series of observed-surface water profiles in Kandagawa river. A calculation model applied for 2004 flood provided good explanations for measured flood storage volumes in the Loop Road No.7 Underground Regulating Reservoir and Wada Yayoi Trunk Sewer. Flood storage volumes of river and sewer facilities were found to depend on flood water levels of the Kandagawa river. It became clear that cooperations of both river and sewers by underatanding movement mechanisms of heavy rainfalls in drainage areas were important for a comprehensive drainage plan for urbanised areas.

© 2014 土木学会
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