Online ISSN : 2436-6714
斜面の変形地形や湧水の電気伝導度に着目した 深層崩壊発生危険斜面の危険度評価に関する研究
森 加代子林 幸一郎野池 耕平高原 晃宙木下 篤彦
ジャーナル フリー

2017 年 23 巻 p. 429-434


The method of risk evaluation of potential deep-seated landslides which focused on deformations of landslide is proposed. On the other hand, the method which focused on hydrological and water quality characteristics of landslide is not proposed. For this reason, hydrological and water quality characteristics show the risk of potential deep-seated landslides is incompletely understood. This study revealed the relations between the risk of potential deep-seated landslides which focused on deformations of landslide and hydrological and water quality characteristics of spring water from landslide. In conclusion, spring water exists at the landslide which has high potential of deep-seated landslide or the rate of deformation more than 5%. And the electric conductivity of spring water when increase, the risk focused on deformations of landslide increase too. On the other hand, the rate of deformation decreases.

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