Online ISSN : 2436-6714
林 博徳中津 彰太大野 拓摩島谷 幸宏
ジャーナル フリー

2017 年 23 巻 p. 591-596


The aim of this study is to evaluate in-stream restoration method that made of stones in Kamisaigo river. We conducted fish sampling survey from 2014 (before restoration) through 2015(after restoration). We also conducted physical environment survey and habitat classification survey to assess the environmental condition change of the stream. Following results are obtained. In terms of the number of species of fish and the number of individuals that emerged, the effect of introducing the environmental method was not recognized. However, it was confirmed that the number of individuals increased after restoration such as eels, which utilize gaps between gravels, and it was suggested that it may have certain effects. When introducing the environmental stone method into the sand river, it was confirmed that the sediment around the riprap was moved, the riprap gradually settled and buried in about a year.

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