Online ISSN : 2436-6714
平田 真二白尾 豪宏飯田 岳赤松 良久乾 隆帝中村 圭吾村岡 敬子
ジャーナル フリー

2019 年 25 巻 p. 417-422


The brackish and lower reaches of the river are characterized by low flow velocity and large water depth. When environmental DNA metabarcoding surveys in these water area are carried out, it is predicted that DNA substances present in water are distributed in specific points due to settlement, advection and diffusion. Therefore, it may not be possible to accurately grasp the local aquatic biota by collecting water from the surface. In this study, water was collected by longitudinal, transversal and vertical direction in the lower reaches of the Tone River.

As a result, in the case of environmental DNA metabarcoding surveys in brackish and lower reaches of the river, it is thought that fish fauna can be efficiently identified by collecting 2 samples at the possible lower layer in the vertical direction near the riverbank in the survey area.

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