Online ISSN : 2436-6714
本田 禎人筒井 胤雄小澤 淳眞石塚 淑大山崎 崇徳
ジャーナル フリー

2019 年 25 巻 p. 623-628


In recent years, the development of thick growth of trees has been reported within river channels in Japan. It reduces the flow capacity of the river and it is one of the major causes of flood damage. However, in the vegetation exploration within river channel, workers often measure the height of tree, the diameter of chest, the condition of dense vegetation one by one locally. Therefore, it requires a lot of labor and it cannot grasp the change of the tree growth situation regularly and quantitatively. In this research, we took photographs from various angles with UAV, and examined the possibility of efficient and advanced grasping of the condition of vegetation within river channel efficient and advanced. We created Three-dimensional data from the photographed images by SfM processing, and attempted making to grasp the height of tree and the diameter of chest. Then, we proposed specific measures on how to incorporate this research result into river management.

© 2019 土木学会
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