Online ISSN : 2436-6714
伊波 友生吉川 泰弘横山 洋矢部 浩規
ジャーナル フリー

2020 年 26 巻 p. 175-180


On March 9, 2018, an ice jam occurred on the Kenefuchi River a tributary of Chitose river, due to rainfall and rising temperatures. The Kenefuchi River is narrow and has several bridges, etc., making it more vulnerable to ice jam. These ice jams can cause collision of floating ice and floods. In river management, it is important to understand how the formation of ice jam is controlled by different hydraulic conditions. In this study, we performed numerical calculations on the Kenefuchi River to quantitatively understand how the ice jam formation condition changes with boundary conditions. Considering that the boundary conditions of Kenefuchi river are affected by the water level of the main river, i.e. Chitose River, we focused on the water level at the downstream end of the kenefuchi river. We examined how it affects the formation, melting and flow of river ice.

The numerical calculations suggest that a rise in the water level in the main river increased the range of area in which ice jams occurred. It also increased the time required for resolving the ice jams. Increased water level in the main river affects the backwater in the Kenefuchi River, contributing to an increase in the number of ice jam Also, a phenomenon was observed in which multiple ice jams united to form one large ice jam. From this, it was found that it is necessary to consider the influence of backwater to correctly determine the location and scale of the ice jam.

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