Online ISSN : 2186-117X
Print ISSN : 0916-3662
ISSN-L : 0916-3662
Art Therapy for a Client with Dissociative Identity Disorder
-- Comparing the Client's Expressions Using Drawings, Sandplay and Clay --
Natsuko TAKATA
ジャーナル 認証あり

2011 年 24 巻 2 号 p. 2_101-2_113


I've reported on a female client who suffers from a dissociative identity disorder. She had many traumatic episodes during her childhood. Probably, she had dissociative defenses from childhood. In this therapy, she represented herself through pictures, Sandplay and clay. I first employed LMT in order to grasp her clinical condition. Then, she enjoyed Sandplay. I think she became closer to her child aspect in the Sandplay. But there was some dangerous aspect in her Sandplay too ; she expressed too much. In her Sandplay, the reptiles went on a rampage. They were about to go beyond the boundary of the sand box. This seemed to connect to her own rampage in real life. The clay was a safe tool for her at that phase. She could safely touch the ground-like material of the clay. I think it was a curative substance in this therapy.

© 2011 The Japan Association of Sandplay Therapy
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