Online ISSN : 2423-9283
Print ISSN : 0038-0113
ISSN-L : 0038-0113
十六世紀後半のニーダーライン地方における領主経営 : ヘレスバッハ『農業に関する四章』を中心に
三好 正喜
ジャーナル オープンアクセス

1966 年 32 巻 2 号 p. 204-226


This article studies the Rittersselbstwirtschaft in Herzogzum Julich and Berg in the above-mentioned period. This Rittersselbstwirtschaft had little place late in the 15th century, but increased gradually in the latter half of the 16th century and the first half of the 17th century. The scale of the farm was about 100 Morgen. Ritter tilled with his own ploughs and horses and employed agricultural servants and day labourers. Servant-labour was main and day labourers were employed for mowing etc. in the farmer's busy season. We pay attention to the new agricultural techniques, which Ritteresselbstwirtschaft practised. In the open-fields ley farming and in common (Allmende) cultivation of artificial grass (Neue Feldgrasswirtschaft) was practised. This new agricultural techniques could be practised by the breakingdown of Flurzwang at the certain degree and the looseeness of combination between fields and common. The Growth of Territorialherrschaft i. e. the process, which Landesherr derived Ritter of his rights (Gerichtsbarkeit, Bannrecht), produced this Rittersselbstwirtschaft in the periode of Price Revolution.

© 1966 社会経済史学会
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