Online ISSN : 1883-6631
Print ISSN : 0582-4176
ISSN-L : 0582-4176
Pseudomonas sp. 株による高分子多糖類の分解
吉田 清司森下 日出旗
ジャーナル フリー

1990 年 34 巻 3 号 p. 119-123


Biodegradation of spino gum (SG), locast bean gum (LG) and soluble starch (SST) by Pseudomonas sp. was examined. The bacterial strains used in the experiment were isolated from soil and identified as Kp-1, Kp-2, Kp-3, and No. 37. All were Pseudomonas sp.
In the 4 strains of Pseudomonas sp., growth was observed in the synthetic medium with SG, LG and SST, as a sole carbon source.
The degradative activities of these substances were estimated from decrease in viscosity and the appearance of reduced sugar in the culture medium. They increased with bacterial growth and could also be detected in a cell free medium after culturing. This was considered due to the action of extracellular enzymes.

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