Online ISSN : 2185-6729
Print ISSN : 0369-4194
アノード中のS, As, Oの影響
野口 文男中村 崇植田 安昭松本 伸弘
ジャーナル フリー

1988 年 104 巻 1210 号 p. 902-908


The behaviour of sulfur and oxygen in copper electrorefining has been investigated. The form of anode slime and the dissolution state of anode surface after electrolysis as well as the effect of dissolved oxygen in electrolyte have been revealed. It was clarified that the anode passivation occurs depending on the concentration of oxygen and sulfur in the anode.
In the case of anode copper with low oxygen content, the fine Cu1.96S particles in the matrix remained on the surface, thus forming the compact layer of anode slime and caused the anode to passivate very sensitively. In the case of high oxygen containing anode, Cu1.96S particles were coasened and fell off the anode surface, and the anode passivation was not observed. The anode passivation was greatly accerelated with increasing current density, and it was unaffected by the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the electrolyte.
The anode containing sulfur, arsenic and oxygen was also investigated in termes of the form of anode slime and the anode passivation. On the electrolysis of the anode with high arsenic content, the fluffy slime of Cu3 As was filled up in among the Cu1.96S particles and was occured the anode passivation with great facility. Copper anode of low arsenic content did not passivated since the slime layer tended to fall.

© The Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan
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