2024 年 60 巻 7 号 p. 446-456
This paper deals with a dynamic pricing design for a Load Frequency Control (LFC) system considering Demand Response (DR) and an overall system stability analysis. Dynamic pricing is designed so that the demand side can contribute to adjusting the energy balance between consumer and supplier. This method is designed using passivity theory as it can achieve Lyapnov stable and asymptotically stable of the system. To analyze the system stability, LFC system is formulated to facilitate the application of passivity analysis by decomposing into physical sistem, dynamic pricing system and transmission network system. Espesially, the physical dynamics of the area system doesn't have enough passivity, hence we formulate the dynamic pricing algorithm to compensate for its lack of passivity considering utility of supplier and Demand response participants. Simulation results show that the frequency deviation and other states converge to a certain value under the proposed dynamic pricing method.