Online ISSN : 1883-8189
Print ISSN : 0453-4654
ISSN-L : 0453-4654
松原 正一大島 穣森 明美
ジャーナル フリー

1987 年 23 巻 5 号 p. 499-504


In order to improve the quality of the program control for a batch process it is necessary to use some adaptation technique which can adapt the controller to the changes in process dynamics. Recently, it has been proposed to adopt the MRAC for this purpose. Since, however, a rough prediction of the changes appearing in a batch process is usually an easy task, it seems more suitable to adopt the programmed adaptation in place of MRAC. From such a point of view it is worked in this paper to apply the programmed adaptation to the problem of concern.
A design technique of the digital programmed adaptive PI-controller containing some nonlinear action is developed. The linear PI-action is designed on the basis of the dominant root specifying technique in which the damping ratio and the undamped natural angular frequency of the dominant roots are specified. The specification of the latter value is changed according to change in the mean delay time of the process. As the control error exceeds a threshold value the control is switched to an on-off control and in addition the integration is interrupted to prevent the process from the reset windup.
Three numerical examples about the reversible reaction, the consecutive reaction and the stylene polymerization reaction taking place in the stirred-tank batch reactor are worked. The results indicated always good control quality and robustness.

© 社団法人 計測自動制御学会
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