Online ISSN : 2433-2895
Print ISSN : 0371-1838
Test of the Universal Rise of Total Cross Sections at Super-high Energies and LHC(Summer Institute 2007)
Keiji Igi
ジャーナル フリー

2008 年 116 巻 1 号 p. A182-A185


We test the universality of B in front of log^2(s/s_0) for all the total hadronic cross sections through investigations of the value of B for π^±p(K^±p) and p^^-p, pp scatterings. We search for the simultaneous best fit to σ_<tot> and ρ ratios, using a constraint from the FESR of the P' type for π^&plusacir;p scatterings and constraints which are free from unphysical regions for p^^-p,pp and K^±p scatterings. By including rich informations of the low-energy scattering data owing to the use of FESR, the errors of B parameters decrease especially for πp. The resulting value of B_<pp> is consistent with B_<πp> within two standard deviation, which appears to support the universality hypothesis.

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