Online ISSN : 2188-9406
Print ISSN : 0584-1380
ISSN-L : 0584-1380
杉本 久未子
ジャーナル フリー

2000 年 44 巻 3 号 p. 21-37,155


 In this paper, I would examine the limit and possibility of a community-based resource recycling system (called 'recycel community' hereafter) in a small town. Nowadays, degradation of the environment is what almost everyone is responsible. As is household waste the case, mass production and mass consumption has resulted in mass waste disposal, the problem of which many local governments are to face.Kizu town, Kyoto prefecture, where Kansai Science City Project is underway, has been suffering from the increase of household waste due to the rapid increase of its population. The municipal government has been trying to construct new waste disposal facilities, but the plan was obstructed by the protest movement of the inhabitants. This lead the municipal government to change the policy and organize a new community-wide movement involving inhabitants as well as business sectors to reduce waste and create a 'recyle community'.
 In this movement, kitcehn garbage was turned into compost and fertilizers to be used for organic agriculture; used papers, magazines and wrapping papers were carefully sorted out by inhabitants for recycling; and even a daily monitoring system indicating the amount of waste by each district of the town was introduced.
 Enviromental sociologists have proposed the shift to an ecological community with a couter economy in order to solve the environmental problems. In this respect, the case of Kizu town is what meets this proposal. In fact, household waste is distinctively decreasing and some inhabitants began to care much for an ecological life-style.
 But the problem of expanding this movement to involve all inhabitants in the town still remains. Perhaps, the core issue for this movement to further develop lies in the way how to reconcile different life-style of the people and let all of them participate.

© 2000 社会学研究会
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