Online ISSN : 2188-9406
Print ISSN : 0584-1380
ISSN-L : 0584-1380
保坂 稔
ジャーナル フリー

2002 年 47 巻 1 号 p. 109-125,202


 The purpose of this paper is to examine determinants of the authoritarian personality from the perspective of childhood relations with one's parents. In The Authoritarian Personality, the authoritarian type of person is shown to have a tendency toward idealization of the parents, and idealization of the family. However, he has a tendency not to talk with parents on certain issues during childhood. Further, it is necessary to think that parents, being the first authorities in the life of a child, handle the problem of discipline. The Authoritarian Personality insists that the authoritarian type of person tends to report a relatively harsh and more threatening type of home discipline in childhood. Thereafter, this parent-child relationship recurs in the attitude towards authority and social institutions in general. In Japan, by contrast, determinants of the authoritarian personality have been discussed primarily form the perspective of education, or the transmission of authority.
 From randomly sampled survey data of 888 Tokyoites, we find in our high-scoring subjects both the superficial character of the identification with the parents and the consequent underlying resentment against them. Therefore, the orientation toward power and the contempt for the allegedly inferior and weak is considered as having been taken over from the parents' attitude toward the child. The main difference from the conclusion of The Authoritarian Personality is that the authoritarian personality is affected by talking with one's father in childhood. But many points that we found are the same as the conclusion of The Authoritarian Personality. Therefore, it is important to consider the authoritarian personality from the perspective of the relation to parents in childhood as well as the effect of education.

© 2002 社会学研究会
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