Online ISSN : 2188-9406
Print ISSN : 0584-1380
ISSN-L : 0584-1380
井上 信次
ジャーナル フリー

2005 年 50 巻 1 号 p. 69-85,166


 The purpose of this paper is to analyze the AD/HD's Association of Parents (oyanokai) and to suggest that it produces and reproduces specialized knowledge in situations that are not always controlled by professionals. In this discussion, we suggest the possibility that not only doctors, but also the Association of Parents functions as a care giver.
 In sociology, AD/HD has always been regarded as a mere problem wherein the domain of modern medicine expands because Conrad & Schneider made use of AD/HD as an example of the medicalization in their discussion. However, considering the present activities of the AD/HD Association of Parents, we find it inappropriate to treat AD/HD as a problem of expanding the domain of the profession of modern medicine and to consider that AD/HD children and their parents be placed under the control of doctors. AD/HD not only strengthens professional control, but also weakens.
 The Association of Parents is not merely a client of the medical system, nor is it merely an association of families. The AD/HD Association of Parents is an association based upon the interactions of parents centered on parents who have quite a bit of experience. All members care for each other, in other words, all parents in the association of parents are care-givers as well as clients, and the presence of other modern professions is not always required in their activities. The Association of Parents is neither made up of professionals nor is it made up of lay people. It is a group of "lay expert with lay expertise" in the context of Science and Technology studies.

© 2005 社会学研究会
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