Online ISSN : 2188-9406
Print ISSN : 0584-1380
ISSN-L : 0584-1380
植田 今日子
ジャーナル フリー

2007 年 52 巻 2 号 p. 21-37,179


 The purpose of this paper is to clarify the context of a community’s practice against the production of space by referring to the case of a community effected by plans for the construction of a dam along the River Kawabegawa.
 In a series of studies by Lefebvre, Harvey and others, these human geographers called attention to a new form of exploitation that occurs in the process of the production of space. Their studies showed that the “production” of space can dominate existing relationships and orders that are based on use values. Therefore, for example, the residents of a community that is forced to move in keeping with the construction of a dam are reduced to a subordinate role in order to accomplish the “production” of the dam. As a result, they become totally “free” either to move to an urban area or to remain near the dam as long as they are in a location that does not encroach upon dam construction.
 In contrast, this paper describes a community that moved out of their homes as soon as possible, even against the advice of the village’s local assembly. Why did they abandon their homes so quickly and without resisting? By answering this question, this paper attempts to analyze how a community might manage to remain independent of the power of the production of space.
 In conclusion, through their practice, the generation of certain duties was intended among the members of the community. This paper maintains that, after the move caused by the dam construction, such duties of community could release blockading relationships based on rigid land ownership.

© 2007 社会学研究会
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