Species Diversity
Online ISSN : 2189-7301
Print ISSN : 1342-1670
First Record of Hemichela nanhaiensis (Pycnogonida: Ammotheidae) from Japanese Waters, with the First Description of Females
Yushi Hosoda Shinri TomiokaKeiichi Kakui
Author information

2018 Volume 23 Issue 2 Pages 215-218


We report the first record of the ammotheid pycnogonid species Hemichela nanhaiensis Wang et al., 2015, from Japanese waters. Four specimens of H. nanhaiensis were collected from the East China Sea at depths of 405–635 m, including the first females ever found. We redescribe male and female H. nanhaiensis from these specimens. We found that H. nanhaiensis is sexually dimorphic in the number of tiny lateral outgrowths on the lateral processes; length of the lateral process tubercles and oviger articles 4 and 5; ratio of the terminal claw to article 10 in the oviger; presence or absence of a proximal reversed spine on oviger article 5; thickness of the leg femur; and number of gonopores.

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© 2018 The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
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