Online ISSN : 1884-2534
Print ISSN : 1343-0688
ISSN-L : 1343-0688
地域スポーツの指導者が直面している課題 : 指導者の指導力向上に向けて
大橋 恵藤後 悦子井梅 由美子川田 裕次郎
ジャーナル フリー

2016 年 26 巻 2 号 p. 2_243-2_254


    Playing sports occupies an important place in the life of elementary school children. Community sport clubs can provide children with adequate opportunities to exercise. However, researchers have indicated certain problems faced by such clubs, due to their status of being volunteer associations.
    The present study investigated problems faced by community based junior sports clubs in Japan, from the perspective of coaches participating in these clubs as volunteers. An online survey was conducted with sports coaches who had experience in coaching team sports in community based junior sport clubs in Japan (N = 456). A questionnaire asked coaches about the type of sports they led (football, baseball, basketball, or volleyball), their confidence as a coach, and their shortcomings in different domains, including the lack of coaching skills, lack of event skills and lack of knowledge about child development, etc., as well as general shortcomings of coaches in these domains. Results indicated that many coaches felt they lacked coaching skills, athletic skills, and knowledge about child development. A multiple regression analysis indicated that training in coaching skills and event skills could enhance their confidence as coaches, and this was found to increase their improvement motivation. It is also suggested that there is a need to develop methods to develop skills of coaches, because many coaches are busy.

© 2016 日本スポーツ産業学会
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