Online ISSN : 1884-2534
Print ISSN : 1343-0688
ISSN-L : 1343-0688
得居 雅人中尾 武平
ジャーナル フリー

2021 年 31 巻 3 号 p. 3_317-3_326


The environment in the mountainous rural areas of Nepal, where pre-modernized living conditions still exist, affects the children's physical abilities and sprinting and jumping abilities. The purpose of this study was to investigate the physical abilities of Nepalese boys living in mountainous rural reas, with a special focus on their sprinting and jumping abilities. Thirteen 11-year-old boys participated in this study. Height, weight, grip strength, and standing long jump (SLJ) were measured by the Japanese new physical fitness test procedures. Fat free mass (FFM) and fat mass (FM) were calculated from the skinfold thickness measured by the skilled examiner. The 20m sprint was measured with a stopwatch and the foot strike types were categorized into forefoot strike (FFS), midfoot strike (MFS) and rearfoot strike (RFL), based on the lateral footage. In five rebound jumps (5RJ), the air time and the ground contact time (RJ-c) were measured by the mat switch to calculate the rebound jump height (RJ-h) and the rebound jump index (RJ index; RJ-h / RJ-c). Before 5RJ, the boys were instructed to jump high with the shortest possible ground contact time and they practiced several times. Both 20m sprint and 5RJ were tested barefoot. The height, weight, grip strength, and SLJ of the boys were much lower than those of the Japanese of the same age. In the relationship between physique and physical ability, grip strength was positively correlated with weight and FFM, while SLJ and FM was negatively correlated. RJ-index and RJ-h, and RJ-h and SLJ were significantly correlated. The foot strike types during the 20m sprint were categorized into 6 FFS, 2 MFL, and 5 RFS. Sprinting and jumping ability were non-significantly higher in FFS and MFS than in RFS. Detailed and continuous investigation is needed.

© 2021 日本スポーツ産業学会
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