Background: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Japanese professional basketball's B. League postponed its regular season in late February 2020, which was then resumed in mid-March, before being suspended again only after one weekend. Eventually, the remaining regular season games (173 games in Division 1 and 117 games in Division 2) and all playoff games were cancelled.
Purpose: This study mainly aimed to examine the professional basketball players' state of mental health after such unprecedented circumstances as the suspension and cancelation of league games in the middle of the season due to the pandemic of a communicable disease.
Method: An electronic survey included members of the Japan Basketball Players Association in September 2020, which was 6 months after the season cancelation. The Japanese version of the K6 was used to assess players' mental health, and a K6 score ≥5 was defined as psychological distress.
Results: There was a total of 108 eligible respondents. The ratio of K6≥5 (R5+) was 52% during the suspension period and 21% at 6 months after the cancelation. The R5+ was significantly higher in smaller teams than in bigger teams (odds ratio: 4.48, 95% confidence interval: 1.51-13.25). No relationship was found between R5+ and age, playing time, or the cumulative number of hometown infections.
Conclusions: It was suggested that COVID-19 put half of the players at risk of psychological distress, namely, 30% acute and 20% chronic, and that the vulnerability of teams' business fundamentals affected players' mental health. Establishment of permanent counseling services for players' mental health care was recommended.