Online ISSN : 1883-8766
ISSN-L : 0034-5156
Soft Ground上を走行する車輪の転動抵抗の電気式自動測定法
高橋 清太田 久清水 久夫石井 伸行
ジャーナル フリー

1975 年 12 巻 9 号 p. 495-504


Grasping the driving torque of a wheel running on a soft ground such as the desert or a farm land on its own power is extremely important in determination of the optimal shape of wheel, etc.. This is already described. For this purpose, the M-T (Mashima-Takahashi) type torque meter has so far been used. Its usage, however, was confined to the case of a flat soft ground. Actually the soft ground in general is irregularly undulated in its surface. In order to measure the driving torque under this situation, i.e. for the soft ground of even an optional wave-form, an improved version of the automatic M-T type torque meter was developed. In this report, the mechanics of this apparatus is described, including its principle, and also results of the driving torque measurement for soft grounds of various configurations are presented. Further, a calculational system, which based on the Takahashi formulae and utilizing the data on driving torque etc., was prepared for obtaining other physical quantities.

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